This document is intended for both developers and users of the Vera Rubin observatory control system. It consolidates information about how to handle CSC configuration and ancillary data. The focus is on providing a basis for development of a unified solution on handling data that is required for proper operation of CSCs in view of the different requirements and use-cases. After reading this document develops should be informed on how to proceed in developing CSCs that confirm with the system architecture design. Users, on the other hand, should know what to expect when interacting with system components, how to select a configuration for a component and, most importantly be aware of the process to derive new configuration parameters.
1 Introduction¶
The Vera Rubin Observatory control system is highly distributed, containing multiple components that must operate in consonant. In order to achieve reliable operation it is fundamental to guarantee that all components are properly configured.
Moreover we must be able to, at any point, identify what set of configurations a component is using, what sets are available and to be able to transition between different sets. During commissioning and engineering runs, users will also be interested in building, validating and verifying new sets of configurations.
The process of building new sets of configurations will vary considerably for each component. In some cases, the configuration may be a simple set of host names and ports that the component connects to. In other cases the configuration may require the calculation of complex lookup tables (e.g. M1M3 and M2) or model coefficients (e.g. pointing component), probably requiring on-sky time for acquiring the data, and complex software to analyse and derive the configuration products.
Verification of a new configuration, in this context, mainly involves the process of guaranteeing that the configuration has the correct schema; the input values have the correct types and respect any specified range. Validating that a configuration is good for operation is a much more involved procedure and may require on-sky time.
In this tech-note we specify how components deal with these different aspects of configuration and the basics procedures required to build and update them.
1.1 System Requirements¶
These are the collection of requirement documents and the requirements that drives the discussion of this tech-note.
1.1.1 LSE-60¶
Requirement TLS-REQ-0065, in section from the Telescope & Site Subsystem Requirements [3] states that:
The Telescope and Site shall publish telemetry using the Observatory specified protocol (Document-2233) containing time stamped structures of all command-response pairs and all technical data streams including hardware health, and status information. The telemetry shall include all required information (metadata) needed for the scientific analysis of the survey data as well as, at a minimum, the following: Changes in the internal state of the system, Health and status of operating systems, and Temperature, rate, pressure, loads, status, and conditions at all sensed system components.
his is a broad requirement specifying that components must publish operational status information.
1.1.2 LSE-62¶
The LSST Observatory Control System Requirements Document [2] contains three requirements regarding system configuration:
Requirement OCS-REQ-0045 in section 3.4.4 (Subsystem Latest Configuration) states that:
Specification: The Configuration Database shall manage the latest configuration for each subsystem, for the different observing modes.
Discussion: The Configuration Database maintains also the latest configuration utilized during operations that can be utilized for rapid restoration of service in case of failure.
Requirement OCS-REQ-0069 in section (Subsystem Parameters) state that:
Specification: The Configuration Database shall manage the subsystem parameters for the different observing modes.
Requirement OCS-REQ-0070 in section (Subsystem History) state that:
Specification: The Configuration Database shall manage subsystem history for the different observing modes.
See furthermore details about the adopted definition of “configuration database” in the context of the control software architecture and more details about the proposed implementation.
1.1.3 LSE-150¶
Section 2.4 of the LSST Control Software Architecture [LSE-150] describes how to perform configuration management. The document provides two valid alternatives for managing configuration in the LSST system; through a configuration database or version control system.
For a configuration database, any solution is acceptable as long as the technology allows versioning of the database.
For version control systems the adopted solution is git. The document also specifies that configurations must be stored in a separate repository from that of the component source code, to allow the configuration to evolve independently of the main code base. The configuration for different components can be stored individually or in groups of components to facilitate maintainance.
1.2 Interface definition¶
Assuming the architecture specified in LSE-150 [LSE-150] for the configuration system (database or version controlled), we must now make sure enough information is captured to satisfy the traceability requirements specified in LSE-62 [2].
LSE-209 [1] specifies the global interface a component must implement
to be a valid resource of the system, including a set of events to satisfy the
aforementioned configuration requirements, e.g.; settingVersions
events. At the time of this writing,
the information contained in LSE-209 [1] is insufficent to guide
the development of the interfaces.
The diagram in Figure 1 illustrates the agreed upon interface for handling CSC configuration and satifying the system requirements.
1.2.1 settingVersions¶
The settingVersions
event is a Generic event that is to be implemented by
every CSC. It contains three parameters: recommendedSettingsLabels
and settingsUrl
. This event must be published by
all CSCs upon entering the STANDBY
state and broadcast information about
“recommended” settings (e.g. configurations). The combination of
and recommendedSettingsVersion
allow users to
uniquely identify a set of configurations. A name/version setting must always
result in the same configuration parameters. Any changes in the configuration
repository or database should produce a new version.
The settingsUrl
attribute is a URL indicating how the CSC connects to its
settings. It will start with “file:” if it is a clone of a git repo, or the
standard URL, if a database.
The recommendedSettingsLabels
will contain a comma separated list of labels,
each label maps to a configuration. The same label can point to different
name/version pair over time. This information should be available in the CSC
configuration repository or database and must match the value in
published to SAL. Labels must be human readable
strings that clearly state the purpose of that configuration (e.g. current,
nighttime, daytime). Labels should avoid having version numbers or dates in
them. They are group classifiers and have some relative permanence. Transient
labels with Jira ticket numbers may be used for developing new configurations.
They should be moved to standard type labels at the earliest opportunity.
The order of the labels is important, as the first label in the list will
be the one selected by the high-level control system for any configurable CSC.
The recommendedSettingsVersion
will be filled with the version information
about the local configuration repository or database. For configurations stored
in git repositories the following branch description[1]
is used:
git describe --all --long --always --dirty --broken
[1] | The option --broken was introduced in git 2.13.7. |
The repository branch (or tag) name forms the first part of the branch description. It may take any form necessary to convey the appropriate information. They are individual identifiers and can change rapidly.
The configuration repository or database may contain any number of different configurations with different labels. Configurable CSCs must specify a list of recommended labels. How they implement this is up to the CSC. It should be noted that not all configurations need to be associated with a label. For instance, old configuration files that are still valid can be kept with the repository without a label. This will allow knowledgeable users to use them if needed.
At minimum, all configurable CSCs should pass at least one label in the
attribute, which can be explicitly referenced in
the settingsToApply
attribute of the start
command. The CSC should
understand how to use this label to retrieve the correct configuration. See
caveats to this process below.
1.2.2 Settings Applied¶
The settingsApplied
event is a Generic event that is to be implemented by
every CSC. It currently contains two parameters: settingsVersion
. This event should be published between the
command response starts to execute and before it finishes.
When the configuration is managed using git, settingsVersion
will contain
the SHA of the repository. For a database configuration settingsVersion
will have TBD.
The otherSettingsEvents
is a comma-separated list of other specific CSC
configuration events. This may be blank if no other specific CSC events are
necessary. If otherSettingsEvents
is not blank, then those event(s) must
be published by the CSC alongside the settingsApplied
event. The CSC is
allowed to publish as many events as necessary to convey the information.
1.2.3 Other Settings Applied events¶
Since it is not possible to provide a generic way for CSCs to output detailed information about the configuration parameters they are loading, it is recommended to create additional events which are particular to each CSC to carry that information.
Although it is not required, for clarity, we suggest that these events be
preceded by settingsApplied
followed by some description of the content,
e.g., settingsAppliedLUT
or settingsAppliedController
2 Available solutions and frameworks¶
2.1 Salobj Derived CSCs¶
Salobj is the framework provided by Telescope & Site to develop CSCs in Python. Extensive development documentation is available, especially on how to create configurable CSCs.
Components that are written using the framework will automatically inherit the standard behaviour implemented in the library. The main points regarding Salobj CSCs are:
- Definition of the configuration repo. In general CSC configuration should be grouped according to the overall system architecture. For instance, ts_config_attcs hosts configurations for all the ATCS configurable components.
- The configuration package is specified in the CSC code by overriding the method get_config_pkg.
- The CSC defines a schema for its configuration, which lives with the CSC repository.
The configuration for a CSC is stored in the configuration repository in a directory with the same name as the CSC, e.g. ATAOS in ts_config_attcs stores the configuration files for the ATAOS CSC.
The first level inside a CSC configuration package will have the schema version, e.g., ATAOS/v1 and ATAOS/v2.
Inside a schema version the user can find the available configurations and a
file. The labels will provide the mapping between the
and the configuration.
Note that some configuration files are not linked to
any label. They can be either removed from the most recent version of the
configuration or kept there for historical or testing purposes. Since the
repository setup is published by the CSC in the settingVersions
event, the
user can aways go back to a set of configurations.
2.2 Camera CSCs¶
These CSCs will also specify a set of labels to recommendedSettingsLabels
A given label will point to N
available versions that will be published via
. As an example, if a label called normal
present, that label may be present as the following versions:
, normal-1.2
, normal-2.0
, normal-3.0
2.3 Other Handcrafted CSCs¶
Unfortunately, not all CSCs provided by Telescope and Site are developed with a framework like Salobj that handles most of the system architecture details. Some CSCs where developed by external vendors which did not have a framework to work with at the time the contract started. In other cases the CSC was developed in-house using a different programming language due to performance requirements.
In these “handcrafted CSCs” the developer is in charge of constructing their own solution to the problem. Here we gather some information about those CSCs.
2.3.1 M1M3¶
This CSC was developed in-house using C++ before a good understanding and agreement of how to handle configuration was achieved. The CSC stores a series of configuration files which includes LUTs and other general settings.
While the code is currently not following the procedure defined in this document, it is being updated to make it compatible.
2.3.2 Pointing Component¶
The pointing component has a configuration file that resides with the code
base which, in itself, also defines a couple different files (e.g. pointing
model). Nevertheless, the CSC is not developed to be a configurable CSC,
meaning it does not accept a settingsToApply
value to switch between
different configurations and does not output the required events.
The CSC is being developed by Observatory Sciences using C++.
2.3.3 M2¶
M2 cell system will read “some” configuration files (csv files basically) from disk, get the LUT values from M2 control system by TCP/IP, and hard-code many configuration data in code.
M2 control system (e.g. CSC) will read “some” configuration files (csv, tsv, txt) from disk and has several of hard-coded internal configuration. There is no document to say where are the hard-coded data and what are they.
All configurations reside with the main code base. The CSC does not send any of
the events required to tie in the configuration version and does not accept a
value to switch between different configurations.
Telescope and Site developers are working to update the M2 controller to fix the different issues with how it handles configuration, e.g. removing the hard-coded values, and to make sure it follows the appropriate guidelines.
2.3.4 ATMCS and ATPneumatics¶
The ATMCS and ATPneumatics are both being developed in LabView by a
subcontract with CTIO. Both CSCs contain a couple of .ini
files that are stored with the main code base. Neither CSC accepts a
value to switch between different configurations nor
outputs the required events.
2.4 Non-Configurable CSCs¶
Some CSCs will not be configurable at all. Examples are sparse in our current
architecture but, the from Salobj point of view, a CSC can be developed on top
of a BaseCSC
which makes it a non-configurable component.
A non-configurable CSC will ignore the settingsToApply
attribute of the
command, as it does not contain any true meaning to it. Likewise
these CSCs will not output any of the configuration-related events.
2.5 Examples¶
The most simple (and probably most common) case is for those where the CSC has only a single recommended setting. For example, for the ATDome CSC we have:
recommendedSettingsLabels: test
recommendedSettingsVersion: v0.3.0-0-g6fbe3c7
settingsUrl: file:///home/saluser/repos/ts_config_attcs/ATDome/v1
Some CSCs may also have multiple recommended settings, one of them being the preferred or default and another being secondary and so on. In this case, the purpose of those configurations should be spelled out. As an example, the ATAOS has a couple of available options for look-up tables. In this case, we may have something like:
recommendedSettingsLabels: current,constant_hex,high_degree
recommendedSettingsVersion: v0.3.0-0-g6fbe3c7
settingsUrl: file:///home/saluser/repos/ts_config_attcs/ATAOS/v2
Note how the recommendedSettingsVersion
from both CSCs have the same value.
Both configurations reside in the same repository: ts_config_attcs
Imagine now that during a test run, someone connects to the computer running
the ATAOS CSC and edits the configuration. The recommendedSettingsVersion
would reflect that change with something like:
recommendedSettingsVersion: v0.3.0-0-g6fbe3c7-dirty
Even though it may be useful to edit configurations on the fly for testing, the process should be avoided as much as possible. When this happen, it prevents us from precisely identifying what configuration was used. Alternatively, the user could create a branch on their work machine, make the required changes, commit, push it to github and pull/check out the new configuration in the CSC machine.
For a CSC that uses a configuration database, like the ATCamera, we may have something like:
recommendedSettingsLabels: normal,highgain_fast,lowgain_fast,highgain_slow,lowgain_slow
recommendedSettingsVersion: 1.1,1.2,2.0,3.0
settingsUrl: sqlite:///home/camuser/config/config.db
It might be the case where the configuration is hosted in a sql database which enables remote connection. Is this case, we could have something like:
settingsUrl: mysql://
3 Deriving new configuration parameters¶
The process to derive new configuration parameters will vary considerably from component to component. In some cases, the configuration is simple enough that a change may involve simply replacing an IP or hostname value, a routine filter swap on an instrument or updating the limits to an axis range due to some evolving condition. On the other hand, deriving new parameters may involve generating complex LUTs that may require on sky observations and detailed data analysis.
Following is a detail of each step of the process to update the CSC configuration.
Create a Jira ticket to track the work being done. If details or discussions are needed they can done using the Jira tickets itself. It is also possible to link tickets which allow us to capture situations where the configuration change was triggered by some issue reported in a different ticket, for instance.
For CSCs using a git repository to store configurations, e.g. all Salobj CSCs, clone the configuration repository locally and create a “ticket branch” to work on.
For legacy CSCs where the configuration is hosted with the main code base, the process is very similar. The difference is that the repository being cloned will be the main code base instead.
If the CSC uses a configuration database, make sure a snapshot of the database is created and backed up before editing it.
Execute the work needed to derive the new configuration parameter.
As mentioned above, in some cases, the process may be straightforward, consisting simply of replacing the values of a set of parameters with given values (e.g., swapping filters). In these cases, this step will be simply verifying any required work was performed and continuing to the next step. Jira can/should be used to track those activities.
The Jira ticket should also be used to track the work done on those cases where a more involved analysis is required, e.g., in dome and/or on sky data acquisition, EFD queries, data processing etc. Any ancillary software or data product required during this process should be properly managed using git. When working with Telescope and Site components, any software required during this process should be stored in a git repository in T&S github organization, and should follow the standard T&S development workflow guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, EFD queries, Jupyter notebooks, other data analysis routines (regardless of the programming language) and so on. The preferred location for storing Jupyter notebooks is the ts_notebooks repository.
Details on how to deals with Camera and DM components will be given in the future.
Any intermediate data product generated in the process should also be stored in the git Large File Storage or, if size permits, with the software repository itself.
Edit/replace the configuration file(s) or add a new file(s) to host the new configuration in the CSC configuration directory. Ideally the name of the file should reflect the purpose of change, dates can also be used as well. Old configuration files can be kept in the repo if they still represent valid configurations otherwise, they should be removed. Note, though, that they will still remain available on previous versions in the git repo, enabling historical comparison.
Alternatively, load the new configuration into the configuration database, if that is the case for the CSC in question.
Modify the configuration labels so that it maps to the new configuration (preferred) or create a new label for the new configuration. For Salobj CSC, this is done by editing the
file.Commit the changes made to the configuration and push it to the online repository.
Testing and verification of the new configuration.
The complexity of this step will also vary considerably from component to component. In some cases, it might be feasible to test the configuration in the actual running CSC. For instance, in the filter swap use-cases, one can simply pull the ticket branch in the CSC host for testing, and exercise the CSC to verify it is working.
In other situations the new configuration can be tested and verified using simulators.
Nevertheless, in some other more critical cases tests and verification are only possible/feasible with on-sky operations.
Regardless of which case the CSC falls into, the approach should be to run the test and verification with the repository ticket branch. If any issues arises during this test the process can either continue to the next phase or start over. The Jira ticket created to track the work should reflect the results of any tests.
Create/update related documentation.
Create pull requests (PRs). Once the configuration is tested, verified and documented, it is ready to be officially accepted.
PRs must be created for all repositories that where modified during the process, including, but not limited to, the configuration repository, ancillary software and documentation. The PRs will follow the standard review procedure. Once the they are approved, merged and released the new configuration becomes official and can be deployed.
During commissioning we anticipate that there may be situations where quick configuration changes need to be implemented. In these cases, the user should also create a Jira ticket (or work out of an existing ticket) to document the occurrence. Then, instead of checking out the repository locally, the user can work out of the deployed CSC configuration directly in the host. It is important to create a branch in place to work on and, later, commit-push to the repository and continue with the process afterwards.
Users must be aware that failing to commit-push changes done in line may result in loss of information. Therefore, this procedure should be reserved only for critical situations.
4 Appendix: Open questions and future improvements¶
This section collects some important items that needs further discussions before they are incorporated into the document. Some items listed here may require updates to software from both Telescope and Site other subsystems and will need a broader discussion before implementation.
4.1 Default configuration vs. default label¶
It is important to highlight that there is an important distinction between
the default configuration and default label. The default configuration is
the one encoded by developers into the component main code base, in general,
using appropriate default values which would allow the component to operate
safely. For Salobj CSC these are present in the configuration schema, which
is in the root of the CSC repository
(e.g. ts_atdome).
The default configuration is loaded when the settingsToApply
entry in the
command is empty.
A default label on the other hand, is the label that should be loaded by
default. Right there is no way to specify/enforce what the “default label
should be. As mentioned in Section 1.2.1 settingVersions,
the high-level control software is designed such that it will select the first
entry in the recommendedSettingsLabels
attribute of the settingVersions
event. Although it is very useful to allow autonomous startup, this is also
potentially dangerous, in case users forget to specify the default
configuration label as the first in the list. One alternative would be to
force users to provide a label called default
and that would be the one
selected by the high-level control software. It would also make it clear for
users which label is intended to be used as the default.
4.2 Use of “recommended” in settingVersions event¶
The use of “recommended” in both the main attributes of settingVersions
event is a bit of a misnomer. The recommendedSettingsLabels
specify available labels and recommendedSettingsVersion
specify the version
of the available configuration.
One suggestion would be to rename those to labels
and version
see 4.5 Topic renaming furthermore.
4.3 Configuration mapping¶
The mapping between label, configuration file, and branch description is not sufficiently straightforward, especially when trying to analyse configurations used in the past.
For instance, to perform a full reconstruction using the current framework on
a salobj CSC, the user needs to know the configuration repository (which is
specified in settingVersions.settingsUrl
), the label used to configure the
CSC (specified in start.settingsToApply
command) and the version of the
configuration (specified in both settingVersions.recommendedSettingsVersion
and settingsApplied.settingsVersion
). To get the label to configuration
file mapping the user then need to go to the configuration repository, find the
version that matches the one used by the CSC at that time, check the
file so they can finally find out what configuration was used.
This information should probably be present in both settingVersions
. For instance settingVersions
should contain an
additional entry, e.g. mapping
, with the names of the files the labels
maps to (in case of git-based configuration) or any other appropriate mapping
information (e.g. for database configuration). Then, settingsApplied
also have an entry for label
and mapping
that will contain information
about the selected label.
4.4 Available vs. selected¶
The settingsApplied
and settingsVersion
events represent what is
available and what was selected, respectively. These topics should have
nearly identical attributes; available labels vs selected label, available
mapping vs selected map, available branch description vs. selected branch
description and so on.
4.5 Topic renaming¶
The interface would be much clear if we rename some topics and attributes to reflect more closely their true meaning.
The following is a renaming suggestion for discussion:
- Rename
.- Rename
.- Rename
.- Add
. Filename might not be suitable for database based configuration.Rename
settingsApplied``to ``configurationApplied
- Add
.- Add
.- Add
.- Add
.- Rename
[1] | (1, 2) [LSE-209]. Paul Lotz. Software component to ocs interface. 2016. URL, |
[2] | (1, 2) [LSE-62]. German Schumacher and Francisco Delgado. LSST Observatory Control System Requirements. 2019. URL, |
[3] | [LSE-60]. Jacques Sebag and Victor Krabbendam. LSST Telescope and Site (TS) Requirements. 2018. URL, |